Speech Teletherapy Services

My Teletherapy sessions are designed to be fun sessions tailored towards your child’s individual needs. Sessions will have a mix of crafts, activities, and other tools to best help improve your child’s speech. These sessions focus on your child’s specific speech goals.

A free 30 minute consultation is offered to answer your questions and go over your child’s needs. There is no obligation to continue with paid services after the initial consultation. For billing and pricing information, please head over to my Billing page.

During a consultation, I will talk with you, show you what an evaluation test looks like, show you some example activities, listen and answer any questions or concerns you might have, and anything else you would like to know or need to know.

Please read over the Areas of Focus for the various areas my practice focuses on or we can discuss this during a consultation.

Getting Started Is Easy!

Contact us for a free consultation. We will discuss your concerns, answer any questions and get to know you. A few forms will be emailed to you once you request a consultation, fill them out before your consultation. Based on your availability we will meet virtually at a day and time that works for you.

Schedule an Initial Evaluation for either an Articulation Only (Speech-Sounds only) or a full comprehensive Speech-Language Evaluation (observations, an articulation test and tests on multiple language areas). You will receive a report detailing the evaluation and a plan of care and recommendations.

Start regular therapy sessions when it works best for you. Your child will be working towards their goals and any concerns are addressed during sessions. You receive a packet of activities to print out and a list of materials needed for the day. Some session activities could be crafts, games, hidden pictures, and more.

 Areas of Focus

  • Speech Therapy focuses on speech sounds that are difficult for clients to pronounce and the correct placement of tongue, jaw, and lip movements as well as the muscle memory patterns that are associated with these movements.

  • Stuttering Therapy focuses on different strategies in order to help a client become more fluent or confident in their speech.

  • This area of therapy focuses on correct pacing during conversations. It can be used for people who feel they speak too slowly or with speakers who find they speak too fast and others may have a difficult time understanding.

  • Language Therapy involves concentrating on improving language skills that are required for educational learning as well as social conversations. An efficient and effective communicator requires two important areas of language development. Receptive language is the ability to understand directions and concepts while Expressive language is the ability to communicate thoughts, ideas, and concepts. Sub-areas of language development therapy include:

    • Vocabulary Growth – Vocabulary is dependent on the developmental level of the child as well as the age of the child. Therapy may include activities such as learning new vocabulary through pictures and books and working on synonyms, antonyms, or multiple meaning words.  

    • Increasing Spoken Utterances– This involves increasing phrase and sentence length in children who have difficulties using more than 1 or 2 words.  With very small children this is often done through play and motivating activities.   

    • Grammar Skills – Therapy targets correct pronoun usage and present vs. past tense verbs 

    • Basic Concept Skills – Therapy focuses on word relationships such as opposites and prepositions.  This area may begin with basic (big-small, near-far) associations and progress to more complex concepts such as word puzzles.

    • Reading Comprehension Skills - This skill set determines how well a child remembers and comprehends what they read, as well as how well they can use the pictures and text in order to defend their answers.  Therapy focuses on having the client read a story, or having a story read to them.  The child will then answer questions based on the story.   

    • Answering Questions Skills – This therapy involves learning how to accurately answer different types of questions such as; who, what, where, when, why, and how.  The ability to answer each type of question develops at different ages, with who and what questions being the easiest and why and how questions being the most difficult.   

    • Phonics Skills – Phonics is helpful with therapy in the areas of speech sound disorders, language and reading.Therapy focuses on identifying and producing sounds in both pictures and words.

  • Memory, listening, and attending skill therapy utilize activities to improve on these specific areas. Sub-areas of focus during therapy include:

    • Following Directions – Therapy often is addressed through completing a craft or through specific worksheets or games.  

    • Answering Questions based on Readings – Activities in this area determine how well the child concentrates when listening to a short passage or book. Therapy includes having a paragraph or book read to them and then asking detailed questions based on the reading. 

    • Auditory Discrimination - Providing two sounds or words and asking if the two sounded the same or different.

  • Logic and Reasoning therapy involves teaching your child critical thinking skills. Sub-areas of focus during logic and reasoning therapy include:

    • Executive Functioning Skills – Activities utilized in this area target teaching organization and planning skills. Practice in these areas will help a child become a more logical, well-rounded thinker.  

    • Inferencing skills – This therapy employs context clues and other information in order to determine what is happening or what may come next in a situation.   

    • Problem Solving Skills - Therapy involves discussing different situations and determining a possible solution.

  • During all therapy activities I provide, I also demonstrate and explain ways you can help your child at home on the days your child does not receive speech services. Practicing at home increases the time your child is working on their speech and language skills. I encourage parent participation and questions in order for you to take an active role with me in helping your child succeed in their goals.